Beth Anderson

Contact Information:

Beth Anderson

Hi, I’m Beth and I’ve been Mrs. Anderson for 25 years now! As my husband, Jeremy, mentions, we have 4 children, 3 of whom are grown and out of school, while our youngest son will be joining us at HBCA this year. When I have free time, I enjoy spending time with my family playing games, watching movies, and enjoying God’s Creation. I’ve also been known to pick up a craft or two in my spare time… and maybe finish them, too.

I grew up attending a Christian School that was started in our local Church in Oregon, much like this one. After graduating from that small Christian School, I graduated from Ecola Bible College in Cannon Beach, Oregon, which at the time, was only a one year program dedicated to learning more about God and His Word. After Ecola, I didn’t go back to school again until a while after Jeremy and I were married and I had been a stay-at-home mom for a few years. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Liberty University Online while raising four kids and navigating life around Jeremy’s overseas deployments with the military. 

I’ve been working as an accounting professional for the past decade, and while I don’t have experience as a formal classroom educator, I have been teaching in Youth Group, Sunday School, Children’s Church, and Vacation Bible School settings since I graduated from high school. I’ve also had the privilege of homeschooling each of our own children at various points throughout their lives. 

In Romans 12:2, Paul urges believers to not be conformed to the way this world thinks, but to be transformed by allowing God to renew the way we think, in order to be able to recognize God’s will. I’m so thankful that my parents made it a priority to give me a firm foundation in a solid education from a Biblical perspective. I’ve prayed and strived to make this a priority as we’ve raised our children and I’m honored to get to walk alongside parents who are also making this firm foundation a priority for their children.

Katie miller

My name is Mrs. Miller. I am a mother of four kids. I’am a dog mom to a Boston Terrier named Stella. I love the color pink, chocolate and a warm cup of coffee. I like to travel to new places with my family and spending time outdoors! I enjoy working with children and watching them grow both spiritually and academically! I love to travel new places and make memories with my family. This year I will be assisting teachers in the classroom as well as teaching middle school and high school art. Im excited for another school year at HBCA!


4th - 5th Grade


High School