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Jeremy Anderson

This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. - 1 Timothy 2:3–4

This is my favorite verse in the Bible because nothing in this life is more important than our acceptance of the free gift of salvation Jesus gave us.  So, as a teacher, that is my focus.  To raise up among this generation, those who know Jesus personally and are able and willing to share the truth.  A large part of sharing the truth is knowing the truth.  Too often, the truth is viewed as subjective and changing in our modern society.  It is my intention to focus upon the absolute truths found in education: in mathematics, that 2 + 2 does equal 4; in science, that there are theories and there are facts; in history, that we learn as much from the successes and victories as we do in the mistakes and losses; in reading and writing, that we must clearly express ourselves with logic and order.  Faith, Discipline, and Courage are keywords that I pray will be instilled into your children as we work together to educate, guide, and prepare them for the future.

I was born in the late 70s to a mother and a father who are still married to each other to this day.  I accepted Jesus Christ at Vacation Bible School in 1983.  I attended public schools until the 5th grade when I began attending Christian schools.  I graduated from Hood River Baptist Christian High School in 1995 and it is there that I met my wife, Elizabeth.  We have now been married for 25 years!  We have four children, three sons, and a daughter.  Our youngest son is also attending HBCA because, like you, we care about the educational foundation of our children.  

I attended Bible College at Yellowstone Baptist College in Billings, Montana and I attended Liberty University of Lynchburg, Virginia.  I have a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, a Master’s in Theological Studies, and a Master of Divinity.  For 20 years I worked as a professional counselor in mostly rural communities and I have extensive experience in severe mental illness and trauma intervention.  Additionally, I enlisted in the Reserves of the USMC while in Bible College and I spent 7 years as Heavy Equipment Mechanic, culminating in supporting the invasion of Iraq in 2003 with I Marine Expeditionary Force.  Afterward, I joined the US Army Reserve Chaplain Corps and finished my last 10 years as NCOIC of the 126th Chaplain Detachment, with two deployments.  In 2008, I spent a year in Iraq again, and in 2014, I spent a year in Kuwait, Jordan, and Afghanistan with US Central Command.    

I have never professionally taught prior to this year, though I do know that the Holy Spirit gifts us as He sees fit and that my spiritual gift is teaching.  Throughout my varied career as a counselor, pastor, and Soldier, I have always taught those around me.  In the military, I took every opportunity to learn and impart knowledge to others, even when the easier path would have been to blend into the background.  In my pastorate, I taught from the Word and encouraged everyone I had a chance to talk with to choose to place God first in their lives.  In counseling, I began as an intern and worked my way to supervisory positions where I had to train, teach, and lead community members to look at the less fortunate among us with compassion and grace.  And as a High School teacher, I will continue the practice of my life and seek to partner with you as parents to prepare your children for the realities of this world with the truth.  Because even as this world looks to bind them with lies and fluid definitions of what is right, we know that “Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, ‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” - John 8:31-32

Caelen Anderson

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point. If you sell something, use this space to describe it in detail and tell us why we should make a purchase. Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this.


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